Saturday, May 17, 2008

Week 10, Thing 19: Google Docs

Week 10: Online Applications & Tools
#19 Take a look at some online productivity (wordprocessing, spreadsheet) tools
Time to test-drive Google Docs. I'm writing this blog post in a Google document and then I'll get it onto blogspot. Let's see... features. Simple text formatting changes are ... simple. Now what else can I test? Fonts? Here are a few. I like comic sans, so I'm glad that's available. Of course there's an arial type (which they call sans serif), times new roman type (serif), Trebuchet MS, which I think I usually use in my blog, and Verdana, which I also sometimes use. And a few more. That should be sufficient, I guess. What else do i typically use in Word? Highlighting, columns, indents. These are all available. Special characters. Mañana. In fact, though there are fewer special characters than in Word, I found that ñ faster here -- I like the set-up. Adding a hyperlink is quick too. Let's link to something truly exciting, like my school library webpage. OK, that was quick and easy enough. This seems very functional. Oh, I forgot to try the tables.
I have no
stuffto put
in thistable.

I figured out how to make the table smaller, so that's good. And maybe I should insert an image, just for kicks.

That may be a bit too large...

I think I have tried enough features to say it's useful. I was trying to remember what toolbars I tend to have open in MSWord and was thinking that I use the reviewing toolbar -- but I guess that is obsolete in an application like this!

Now to figure out how to post this to my blog.

I did a little editing of text size and the like. But posting something from GoogleDocs to my blog is pretty easy. I'll have to try out the spreadsheet later.

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