Saturday, May 24, 2008

Week 11, Thing 21: Video

#21 Discover YouTube and a few sites that allow users to upload and share videos

I've watched videos many times on YouTube, including videos about libraries and librarians (ninja librarians, anyone?), so the whole YouTube concept is not a new one for me. But I do enjoy a good excuse to watch more! I checked out most of the videos that were linked from the lesson and went to most of the video sharing sites as well. I had heard of TeacherTube, but had not used it before, so I decided to search for "library" on that site. I found a whole series of videos about collaboration between teachers and librarians. These videos, by "Dr. Loopy", have some humor to them and include parodies of TV shows and movies. These include the Bionic Librarian, America Idle: Information Resources, and Codee Books: Library Agent, which I will embed in this entry.
The Librarian and Classroom Teacher Collaboration presentation is in 4 parts, which total 35+ minutes; clips showing just the show parodies are posted separately. I watched them all to see if they have enough new information to merit showing any of them at staff meetings. The teachers in my school are pretty good about the type of collaboration depicted in the videos, so I don't think I will use them in that way. I'd recommend them to any school librarians who are having trouble getting teachers to see the benefits of collaborating.

Although I am not currently interested in posting any videos, I did watch the 3-minute video on "How do I make a video?", and even though I was never a Bob Ross painting show watcher, I have seen enough of him to appreciate the host of this how-to, "Rob Boss." I also checked out many of the links under "Fun extra" at the end of the lesson. The 1987 - Betty Glover Library Workout Tape Ad was a bit of a trip down memory lane, not just because I lived through the era of huge eyeglasses and high-waisted pants that was the 1980s, but I went to ASU during that time and spent some time in the Hayden Library. Not sure if I ever encountered Betty Glover...

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