Sunday, May 11, 2008

Week 9, Thing 18: Wikis

#18 Create a wiki or add an entry to a Vermont’s 23 Things sandbox wiki
I visited all 3 of the Vermont's 23 Things sandbox wikis and added my blog to the "favorite blogs" on all of them, plus added a few other things here and there. I didn't create a wiki yet, but have edited a freshly-minted wiki only a week weeks back, following a VSLA meeting where the topic was Web 2.0. Our wiki of resources from the meeting is at PBwiki: vslacentral. The wiki was created during the meeting and many resources we discussed at the meeting are on there, but not all.

I plan to explore a few more of the wiki sites to decide which seems the most user-friendly to start a wiki on a classroom project, collaborating with teachers. Or perhaps one for the Allied Arts team (aka "specials teachers") for an interdisciplinary project we have in the works.

Week 9, Thing 18: Wikis - part 2
Oh, heck. I couldn't leave well enough alone. I decided to try out Wikispaces and the next thing I knew I had started a wiki for our Allied Arts project and pasted in some links from an e-mail from a colleague. And added some details.

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